Sunday, 11 September 2011

Not a bad PB

Been quite busy over the past few weeks, getting over a horrible chest infection, giving in after 3 weeks and going to the GP for some antibiotics and stronger steroids (asthma inhaler not muscle mary type). Slowly getting back into training, the mind is willing but my breathing is still all over the place. Meeting Kelly Holmes and having to do the bleep test! Nearly died. 

And then there's work...One of my clients, Adrian, ran the Robin Hood Half Marathon today. He first ran it last year in 2:20 after only ever running 6 miles previously. I started training him in Jan this year, he was hard work! No idea of pacing, he'd run flat out for a couple of miles and then die. It took a while but he learnt about speed endurance, interval sessions, hill sessions, weights and kettle bells, the importance of sports massage and eating properly (he's lost a lot of weight). I find with every client that you need to find an 'in', something that gets them going. Adrian's 'in' was stats. After he bought a Garmin he was transformed! He loved going over the stats from his runs and just got faster and more enthusiastic. He started buying Runners World mag and every running gadget including 'nipple guards', hilarious! 

So, scores on the doors, having to contend with really strong headwinds and me running next to him for the last mile screaming 'run till you're sick' Adrian finished in 1:45:33, vowing to try for 1:30 next year. I'm a very proud personal trainer...
Albert, on the other hand, spent the day at the kennels. I think he's over it...